ADD- First of all, yes, I'm still talking about this. Second, it is very important to me and the more I learn the more important it becomes for me to educate the world.
Here is what several studies concluded back in 2010 and have confirmed over and over again. ADD is a gene expression. What does that mean? Well, another example of a gene expression is cancer. Basically, when the body either turns a gene on that allows our cancers cells to reproduce or a gene that suppresses cancer cells stops working, a person gets the cancer diagnosis. This is a very generic explanation, but you get the point.
ADD is similar as it is an inherited neurological condition in which genes express themselves and are characterized by impulsivity, difficulty with attention, and, in some cases, hyperactivity.
It can look like hypothyroidism, heavy metal toxicity, high or low testosterone, anxiety disorders, OCD, an oppositional behavior disorder, or a learning disability. It could also be combined with any of these.
Once you eliminate the list above you will need to see an ADD professional who will put you through the 4 to 6 hours of evaluations necessary to determine a treatment plan.
If you find a doctor who does not recognize this condition or understand it, get up and walk out of the building immediately because he will only do you harm. For a doctor to not understand ADD today, would be similar to a doctor giving you a vitamin for cancer. It can not be treated by diet. I happen to know this personally as well. there is some evidence that some genes can be turned on or off over several years with the right diet and vitamins, but you wouldn't take that chance with cancer so why allow your ADD to go untreated. See a professional. I have a list and you are welcome to message me if you are looking for help. Unfortunately, some of the best professionals in this field are not covered under insurance, but are well worth the money. For now, read "Driven to Distraction," so you can better understand this condition. I find this book to be an excellent starting point for anyone who has ever felt they are underachieving in life, but can't put a finger on it.